So about 3 years ago I signed up with iStock. When they were just starting they were pretty liberal with the photographer in accepting most submissions, but then also paying really low (think ~$0.10-$0.30 per download of your photos). But many did download my photos, so however small, there was some money coming in.
I am still not sure what happened, because when they redid their search system a year or two ago, suddenly my earnings dropped from ~$30/month to next to nothing.
I gave up...
After about two years, I decided to try again to submit more and improve the possible hits on the searches. But, now I found out just how ridiculous they had gotten in the "quality" control. Believe me, I have no objection that the photos should be of high quality. But when they reject photos taken with a Canon XSi (12Mpix, new DSLR) and a 24mm-105mm EF "L" lens, due to either noise (ISO 100/200) and/or chromatic abbreviation (that was not there in my mind) I was upset.
Sometimes I also tried to submit photos from lower end cameras (like Canon S3IS and S5IS), and even if I took them at ISO80 and also I thought were good stock photos, like this one:
They continued to reject for noise reasons. I am about to give up again. Any suggestions?
But, they do have tons of photos, and since I am right now an "exclusive photographer" I have a stack of business cards where there is 10 free credits ($14 value) if you are a new sign up. You get $14 for free, and in case you eventually put more money in, I would also get a referral credit... Email me if you like a code... and then go through this link.
You win, and I might win, and maybe even keep submitting...
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