Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Stock photography....

Well, I guess I am on the fence on this one. Many "professionals" seem to think that the new "microstock" agencies that has opened is really bad for the photographers, as the price is really too low to make a living off. But for a hobby photographer like my self, I thought why not try it and if I don't like it, or do not make any money of it, then what have a lost.

So about 3 years ago I signed up with iStock. When they were just starting they were pretty liberal with the photographer in accepting most submissions, but then also paying really low (think ~$0.10-$0.30 per download of your photos). But many did download my photos, so however small, there was some money coming in.

I am still not sure what happened, because when they redid their search system a year or two ago, suddenly my earnings dropped from ~$30/month to next to nothing.

I gave up...

After about two years, I decided to try again to submit more and improve the possible hits on the searches. But, now I found out just how ridiculous they had gotten in the "quality" control. Believe me, I have no objection that the photos should be of high quality. But when they reject photos taken with a Canon XSi (12Mpix, new DSLR) and a 24mm-105mm EF "L" lens, due to either noise (ISO 100/200) and/or chromatic abbreviation (that was not there in my mind) I was upset.

Sometimes I also tried to submit photos from lower end cameras (like Canon S3IS and S5IS), and even if I took them at ISO80 and also I thought were good stock photos, like this one:

They continued to reject for noise reasons. I am about to give up again. Any suggestions?

But, they do have tons of photos, and since I am right now an "exclusive photographer" I have a stack of business cards where there is 10 free credits ($14 value) if you are a new sign up. You get $14 for free, and in case you eventually put more money in, I would also get a referral credit... Email me if you like a code... and then go through this link.

You win, and I might win, and maybe even keep submitting...