Friday, May 22, 2009

Canon SD1200 IS vacation shots

Here are some new shots from the SD1200 camera. First an ISO 400 shot with a 100% crop showing the relatively good noise performance of the small 10 Mpixel sensor.

Buy SD1200 : Light gray, Dark gray, Pink, Blue, Green, Orange.

And then a macro shot:

100% crop:

Click on the images to see the details.

And how about this frame capture from a video showing a lightning strike in a thunderstorm:

Buy SD1200 : Light gray, Dark gray, Pink, Blue, Green, Orange.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

SD1200IS on vacation

What's better to test a camera than taking a vacation? SD1200 is small enough to always have in the pocket, and it's powering on fast enough to be ready for that shot. Here are some photos from the last few days.

SD1200 : Light gray, Dark gray, Pink, Blue, Green, Orange.

SD1200 : Light gray, Dark gray, Pink, Blue, Green, Orange.

So far so good...

SD1200 : Light gray, Dark gray, Pink, Blue, Green, Orange.

Friday, May 01, 2009

New SD1200IS review

Over at Steve's Digicams there is a fresh review of the Canon SD 1200 IS. It's a very favorable review, but then again, I am not sure how many bad reviews of cameras he has over there, Check it out, and then check out the prices at Amazon here:

SD1200 : Light gray, Dark gray, Pink, Blue, Green, Orange.